US Speaker Manufacturer MOST in need of a Great Designer??

Assuming someone really talented in loudspeaker design was suddenly available,
Name the one company you feel is most in need of help.
Must be a US based Company however its production could be anywhere. 

Okay I get to go first. Klipsch

Post removed 
No sure what you mean by a great designer.  Product looks or actual performance issue?

Dynaudio has recently made some changes to one of the lines the "i" series they now sound much better.

Sonus has made so many changes but the older line still sounds excellent.

Could care less about the others mentioned.  They never floated my boat too much.

Happy listening.

I thought I read that Jones left ELAC. Now I can’t find the thread. I know someone had a screenshot from his FB account. 
If we are talking about aesthetic design, hands down it is Tekton.


I may have defended their tech, but never their looks.

Electro Acoustics:  Totem.