It’s all a matter of taste after all. Someone may like
the old lead console made in Japan in the 70’s, but It’s just another very simple metal frame. Back in the 70’s/80’s this company made lead consoles for
Sony, Technic, Denon and others. I think it’s nothing special and custom made plywood plinth could be better.
Regarding OMA, again, Most people look at this company as “something beautiful” regardless of price as very few people can afford OMA products. But their plinth priced just like any other premium plinth from well known manufacturers.
Reading a negative posts about OMA I must admit that I have personal experience dealing with them about 5 years ago and my experience is very positive! He’s a dealer or Schroder, Ortofon, Miyajima, Schick, SoundSmith ... I bought my Schick “12 inch tonearm and Ortofon SPU cartridge from OMA for my Technics SP10mk2. Jonathan personally replied to all my email and answered all my questions, it was very helpful. In fact his price eas cheaper than German price for Schick tonearm so it was a very good deal. It was excellent service, no rudeness at all (I have no idea what you talking about
@rich121 ), I asked so many questions and got all the answers, Jonathan was very helpful, I even tried to buy his demo Miyajima carts few years later and we tried to negotiate about the price, everything was nice and smooth like it should be. Compared to many other well known dealers I tried to communicate by email at that time asking questions, Jonathan was the best! This my experience with OMA, I had to say that, let’s be truthful.
I can imagine that some people may not like what he think about Direct Drive turntables (his preference is clearly DD and this preference is not popelar in high-end community). Regarding his own products it’s easy to watch his videos where he claimed they are not a typical high end company. So do not expect them to sell you what you can find in a typical high-end store.
Their demo loft is beautiful and some of his speakers, stands, plinths, amps are beautiful and made with a great passion! He’s got a well educated designer or design team that other high-end companies can only dream about.
His stuff is art, it’s nice to have an independent company like OMA today. He’s doing a geat job explaining people on his youtube channel a lot of things about history of audio (horns, tube gear, turntables). He’s doing it not for audiophiles, but for younger people. His showroom in NYC is open and anyone can come, you don’t have to buy! This is great.