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Personally, no.

Save for an Audible Illusions M3A from 20 plus years ago. If only it had a remote control......
My dad and I threw away his Nikko 8085 after trying to fix it. We didnt make any progress, so we just threw it away.

Im sure if we kept it and took it it to a repair shop they would get it going.

I miss my oh so basic Lenco TT.   What a prize and I just let it go!   But then I also miss my uber rare Hofner 500/6 bass too!  I'm still kicking myself after almost 40 years.
Like the saying says though, "you never know what you've got 'till it's gone".
@normansizemore, ditto on the LP12, the best, worst turntable I ever owned. Maybe I got that backwards. Perhaps it should be worst, best.

I've had plenty of vintage equipment. There was a TD 124II/SME . It rumbled so bad you could here it on Klipsch Heresy's during Foxy Lady,
There was the Marantz 7C preamp, it's switches and pots failing and tube sockets a brittle dark amber. An A77 Revox with Dolby! I recorded about 1/2 of my collection thinking I would just take the tapes to college and leave all the vinyl stuff at home. Eventually it's brakes went bonkey and tape would spill all over the place or worse break! I saved up and took it to a reputable person that worked on them for "adjustments" and it got even bonkeyer. I can say that I wouldn't mind having my Krell KMA 100s
back. They were truly first class amp but they ran hotter than hell even with the fan. After 21 years one finally burned up it's output stage. I sold them as is. I should have had them rebuilt but as always I needed the money to help with new amps. Can't live without music. No I really don't miss any of it. Technology moves on and I'm not romantic about machines. My current system is seriously better than anything I've done previously. It always improved on an evolutionary basis over the years. I get the urge for a real to reel once in a while, sort of like the way I get an urge for a motorcycle.  Once in a while.  
Sure, I had managed to pick-up two Yamaha CA-1000 amps at an estate sale in 2008 or thereabouts for less than $100cdn.  After using one for a few years and really liking the class A circuit, I decided to keep it, but I needed to streamline my collection so I sold one for $300usd.  A separation and downsizing that followed necessitated further selling in 2015 and so with a few other pieces (Marantz 22xx receiver, Thorens TD166) I sold the other CA-1000 for less than $500usd. Those Yamaha amps sound awesome and like the Marantz receivers I've watched their value continue to increase year after year.  Once the dust settled and I could start adding to my collection again, I located a CA-800ii for a reasonable price, it's close but not quite up to the 1000.  Ive made my peace however with the current market of not likely ever owning another one or another Marantz 22xx receiver.  The rare Fisher TA-600 receiver (not to be confused with the solid-state 600t) has been given pride of place in my main system and it likely will remain there for the foreseeable future.