Stylus Wear Question

Was wondering if anyone can either recommend a digital microscope, and its uses, or should I just send the cartridge out for a pro inspections /repair.  .
..about Soundsmith.   There is no doubt that he would do a great job....just wondering if I'd get back the same abilities as my Winfield.
Inspection & rebuilds are two different things . . .

Only Ortofon builds a Winfield.

I strongly suspect their Replicant 100 stylus would have an above average lifespan for wear.
Even if you have an appropriate microscope, you have to know what to look for. I agree that sending it to a specialist makes the most sense. With Peter, you should find out what their turnaround time is. Steve at VAS is also solid (NJ). The concept here is simply inspection at this point, not "retipping"- if the stylus is worn, you may be able to take advantage of some trade-in/up program from the manufacturer. 
I found one of those old Shure stylus microscopes a few years ago. It's pretty cool... as an artifact. 
You can have someone other than Ortofon inspect. If there is wear you can send it to Ortofon.

Andy Kim at has a quick turn around time.