Infinity Renaissance 90 Piano Black

I am desperate for any help.  I have a very nice pair of Piano Black 90's. I blew the HE-EMIM midrange and can not find a replacement anywhere,  Is there anything I can do ?  can they be repaired?  Im sick over this and do not know what to do.  If I can not fix them what are they worth as parts?  Not that i want to do that at all but i might not have a choice.  Thanks for any help you can provide.  

I've owned a couple of pair of Ren 90's in blonde oak in the past.
Great speakers.

Piano black....ultra rare.

Good luck in your quest to find your parts..
There is a lot of info on   
It is THE Infinity go to site.
If MagicMarsky cannot help, perhaps try to locate a pair of the Ren 80's as I believe they use the same EMIM & EMIT.  I had kept a 2nd pair of Ren 90's around for a dozen years or so "just in case".  I never needed them as the speakers I listen to are solid as a rock, so I offed them a couple years back.
I find it odd that you fried the EMIM.  I would look at the crossover just in case it cooked instead.  
Good luck.  -John