Before I order the Magnepan 1.7s...

Hi. My wife and I finally agreed to put a proper stereo in the big room (700 sqft or thereabouts) and I bought a massive Krell amp in preparation for the eventual Magnepan purchase because we decided that the aesthetics of those speakers (with white socks) were tolerable. 

Before I pull that trigger, though, are there any "beautiful" speakers, respected by the audiophile community, that I should consider? I've looked over SFs and Focals, and they're indeed beautiful, but not so beautiful as to sway us. 

(as an aside, really, would it kill some of these manufacturers to offer a few more finishes-- with high-resolution photos taken from modern homes? They are literally throwing money out the window with these Geocities-quality websites. I'm surely not the only suburbanite looking for an audiophile-approved speaker with nice aesthetics)

Thank you.
Ag insider logo xs@2xp_s
Heads up to the guy from Baskin Robbins who wants his son to have very loud music lol
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. There are some good ones there to consider.

The Maggies (if I go that route) will be tucked away when not in use and pulled out for listening. The Jadis speakers I have seen but ultimately I decided that I wasn't going to spend $10K for old speakers made by a French company that doesn't make speakers anymore and won't respond to emails even those written en mon français parfait.
Consider the Dali Epicon 6’s.  They are beautiful and my wife helped pick them out.  Looks are very important if you value your marriage and the system is in a shared living space that is the main socializing room in your home.  Don’t have to sacrifice sonics when buying a great looking speaker.  
We don’t all have dedicated music rooms!