No offense intended but if you rent property to a disinterested party, it is a business. You owe taxes. It’s pretty simple.
You owe for personal income tax. Not a business. This is over and above what you already pay in property taxes and income from the property. There are NO taxes collected for the state on rents. That is offset by interest and a 27.5 years of depreciation.
Man oh man do you understand what a business is vs a piece of property. I'm not growing produce and taking it to market. Nor is there a business on the sites. There is a home.
According to your way of thinking. Anyone owning property would need a business permit to live in or on a piece of property. That is why it is called a residence. And that is why it is not a business. There is NO product being sold for taxes to be collected on for ANY, ZERO, good or services.
There are different taxes my friend for different things.. This is one that is going through the courts right now.. IF there are no goods or services why is it being called a business and where are the taxes being collect from, IF it is a business. There aren't any.. It's a hollow law made to collect monies, under the pretense of collecting taxes. The only TAX is the business License it's self..
This is where it gets really weird because you have to SUE yourself to stop YOUR city attorney from defending the unlawful act...
He/She is not for anything BUT dragging it through court and keeping his/her job.. Doesn't mater if it's right or wrong.. IT'S MONEY, and WE WANT IT... WE PASSED A CITY (something) so it means you pay...
BUT it does not make it legal in ANY way..
Clearly taxation WITHOUT representation.. That is what it is, that is what it's called..
LOL of course someone that won't stop at stop signs or use his turn signals, or swears like sailor in public, or throws garbage out his window as no one is looking, is the one making light of my hard work. I worked my A$$ off to buy those little homes.. Businesses? They are someone home for over 15 years to boot.. I've owned the one for 30 years now.
The second one is in a wrap around land trust. Keeps the lender from calling the 13k first and the sweet little escrow/fire insurance deal that is in place.
Like the guy that fired me for breaking my neck. I'm 67, he's 72-3. The second he blows out his last breath the state/fed/international creditors will take the bed he died on..
When I move on, I'll leave LAND that you can actually live off of and not be dependent on a soul.. I (ME) not someone else, dug those water wells and installed the casing and pumps.. MY two hand.. I built it...
Every nail in the homes I owned, I drove the nails, not someone else. ME, my brothers, my kids..
I bought books and watched.. That is how I did everything in my life..
No time for school.. Maybe a 3 day classes 6-10 times a year for 6 years while getting my stripes through Mitchell for my masters.. 1973-79.
I grew up in the farm fields right in Brentwood CA. I worked every summer picking fruit and the winters in a gas station and a dog kennel.
7-10 grade.. 11-12 grade well I didn't go much..
I married a girl.. Different story.. Wound up not being my kid.. Sure change my life.. No DNA testing back then just blood test and the rabbit died.. Then the baby was born. OH YEA.. wrong blood type..
Married at 17 divorced by 19 and wouldn't have graduated yet..:-) BOY did I step in that one. Yup 75 dollar divorce. The guy setting next to me told me what to say.. He told me he did it every 5 years or so..
Now about those speakers...
You owe for personal income tax. Not a business. This is over and above what you already pay in property taxes and income from the property. There are NO taxes collected for the state on rents. That is offset by interest and a 27.5 years of depreciation.
Man oh man do you understand what a business is vs a piece of property. I'm not growing produce and taking it to market. Nor is there a business on the sites. There is a home.
According to your way of thinking. Anyone owning property would need a business permit to live in or on a piece of property. That is why it is called a residence. And that is why it is not a business. There is NO product being sold for taxes to be collected on for ANY, ZERO, good or services.
There are different taxes my friend for different things.. This is one that is going through the courts right now.. IF there are no goods or services why is it being called a business and where are the taxes being collect from, IF it is a business. There aren't any.. It's a hollow law made to collect monies, under the pretense of collecting taxes. The only TAX is the business License it's self..
This is where it gets really weird because you have to SUE yourself to stop YOUR city attorney from defending the unlawful act...
He/She is not for anything BUT dragging it through court and keeping his/her job.. Doesn't mater if it's right or wrong.. IT'S MONEY, and WE WANT IT... WE PASSED A CITY (something) so it means you pay...
BUT it does not make it legal in ANY way..
Clearly taxation WITHOUT representation.. That is what it is, that is what it's called..
LOL of course someone that won't stop at stop signs or use his turn signals, or swears like sailor in public, or throws garbage out his window as no one is looking, is the one making light of my hard work. I worked my A$$ off to buy those little homes.. Businesses? They are someone home for over 15 years to boot.. I've owned the one for 30 years now.
The second one is in a wrap around land trust. Keeps the lender from calling the 13k first and the sweet little escrow/fire insurance deal that is in place.
Like the guy that fired me for breaking my neck. I'm 67, he's 72-3. The second he blows out his last breath the state/fed/international creditors will take the bed he died on..
When I move on, I'll leave LAND that you can actually live off of and not be dependent on a soul.. I (ME) not someone else, dug those water wells and installed the casing and pumps.. MY two hand.. I built it...
Every nail in the homes I owned, I drove the nails, not someone else. ME, my brothers, my kids..
I bought books and watched.. That is how I did everything in my life..
No time for school.. Maybe a 3 day classes 6-10 times a year for 6 years while getting my stripes through Mitchell for my masters.. 1973-79.
I grew up in the farm fields right in Brentwood CA. I worked every summer picking fruit and the winters in a gas station and a dog kennel.
7-10 grade.. 11-12 grade well I didn't go much..
I married a girl.. Different story.. Wound up not being my kid.. Sure change my life.. No DNA testing back then just blood test and the rabbit died.. Then the baby was born. OH YEA.. wrong blood type..
Married at 17 divorced by 19 and wouldn't have graduated yet..:-) BOY did I step in that one. Yup 75 dollar divorce. The guy setting next to me told me what to say.. He told me he did it every 5 years or so..
Now about those speakers...