Get a load of this Deceptive add for a Gryphon Amp here on AG

So the title is  Gryphon Essence Stereo Power Amplifier Pure Class A 5 Months Old.

You can read the description for yourself.

I make an offer on the amp. Below is the reply I get from the Seller. Maybe its just me but this kind of selling should be BANNED on AG.  Selling Grey Market gear without putting any of it in the description. Total BS...and he isn't even the owner of the amp.  He's in California but says he's selling for somebody else in Massachusetts.

Thank you for your offer that I can accept.
I have some things to explain:
It's imported, from out-of -US distributor.
Gryphon designed it voltage interchangeable, manufactured 220-240V, then set up by distributor's technician to US 120V so you can just plug ( the power cord ) and play.
Gryphon's warranty is not transferable, made very clear in user's manual Page 25. But don't worry. Whenever in need of service, just send to LA and I will take all things ensuing.
If these are fine with you please let me know then I will accept to proceed.
Will ship to you from Massachusetts by the current ( the only ) owner.

He told you the straight goods, giving you the opportunity to bail.

Still fail to see the reason for the outrage.
Yea, but he disclosed everything prior to you paying a dime.  Now if you paid, he sent the amp and then you discovered this info you would have a point.  I don't see the issue here.....he disclosed prior to you paying...if you don't like what he disclosed don't buy the amp. Sure, the ad may have been more descriptive or worded better but I don't see a scam here.
If all of those things were disclosed before you sent any money, then what's the problem?  How is a grey market item any different than a used item?  Very few manufacturers will honor a warranty for anyone but the original owner.

I recently bought a used phono cartridge that was listed by a seasoned Audiogon seller for a friend of his.  It was an excellent transaction.  It didn't hurt that after some discussion I found out the seller works at a local hifi dealer.
BIG_GREG....BIG difference between a Grey Market Amp and an Amp with No Warranty. If your not the original owner BUT the amp has your country’s voltage and was purchased in your country they will still fix the Amp and charge you for it. If you purchase a GREY MARKET amp they will refuse to work on it PERIOD. Thats a HUGE factor to consider.

Never said SCAM in any of my posts. Was never "outraged". Reading comprehension is clearly an issue with some. We all should be given FULL DISCLOSURE for any item listed on A-gon. It was a Shady and misleading add in its original form
Very simply put the Description should have stated it was a Converted 240V "grey market" amp. Can you imagine if for ever single amp listed on A-Gon you had to ask the Seller what Voltage it is or what market it was originally made for?? All amps listed here for sale are assumed to be USA Models unless specified otherwise. Had the 240V been listed I indeed would have ignored the listing.
A-Gon needs to have a "Report This Ad" feature like other sites have to flag questionable Ad's.
There is a report this listing button