LSA Voyager GAN Amplifier

Just got mine last week.  After 24 hours of play all I can say is that this is not your father's class D amplifier.  There is not one thing about its sound that reminds me of the class D gremlins that I do not like.  The low end filled in and now has deep impact, the midrange is the love child of a beautiful tube and clean hybrid amp - just gorgeous.  Highs are very clean and extended. Spatial cues are top notch. My system has had some damn good tube and solid state amps in it before and it has never sounded this good.  I am blown away with the quality of sound coming from class D amplification at this price point.

This 300 wpc amplifier is a real winner.....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark
Last week I got the mini GAN from class D audio. I have been very impressed with this little amp. I also have the Carver Crimson 275 tube and Van Alstine synergy 450  SS amp. Frankly I like it better than AVA amp and as good as the Crimson 275 with much more power and bass impact. I have also ordered the Voyager 350 and waiting for its delivery.

There is not even a picture of a proto of the Atmasphere amp.  He said this year he would bring it out (he has been talking about it for 2 years).  I am not holding my breath.  Hopefully, it will happen....good be great.  Except for the Wyred for Sound amp (waiting on a reply from W4S) the other amps on the list are all solid for now or about to be released.
The Voyager still holds the gold in time elapsed between initial announcement and eventual ship.  This last year there have definitely been some supply-side delays and shortages, which I seem to remember Atmas mentioning.
Gman74, 24 hours is when the LSA Voyager really opened up and started sounded like an all star amp.  Hints of this before 24 hours.  I am sure though it's break in is not complete.