So damn hard deciding which tube preamp to buy!

So you have $10 to $25k. What do u do??? So many names.  Cant test them cause no one nearby stocks them, and not broken in.  

What does one do??
The military still use vacuum tubes, they use satellites that are amplified by vacuum tubes.

I know, I saw OP’s budget, I contend the mx110z can equal whatever he comes across, leaving a fat wad for content!

Actually, I suspect this is just fishing without bait.
The "BEST" pre-amp is the one that sounds the best TO YOU in your system IN YOUR ROOM, period.

If you have a good dealer, he or she will loan you as many as you like until you make a decision.

Personally, it is my belief that the company most praised for its pre-amps over the last 40 years or so is Audio Research Corporation.  You might want to try a few of theirs to see if one of them works for YOU.

If not, there are some others that also have good reputations.  In the end, the one that most pleases YOU IN YOUR ROOM is the one to buy.

Do not settle for anything less, please.

Although it seems that you’re getting a kick out of posting a seemingly ridiculous proposition...I’ll play.

At least figure out the basics as listed above several times. Then pick three brands and find a store in a big city that can demo all three. Fly to said city and make your choice. Simple.

If the $25k is a real number and you can’t make up your mind in 24 hours(!) then just go buy a name brand $25k preamp and sell it when you actually do make up your mind.
