Actual Lead Time on Tekton Speakers

Hi All-

I've had a pair Tekton speakers and a sub on order since the last week of February. When I placed the order they said they were running 8-10 weeks for shipment. I knew at the time that these were made to order and that there was a substantial lead time, so I'm not complaining. But I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve...

Can anyone who has recently received their speakers tell me how long it was from order to shipping? 


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On the other hand, if Tekton was aware of the extra cost to deliver the speakers to your home, that cost would have been added to the overall purchase price of the moabs.  So you are where you would have been anyway, except as you state above, it was a miscommunication.  End result, would your decision to purchase the speakers have changed knowing of the extra costs?
This same scenario happened to me last week, but the company I purchased the speakers from took care of it immediately (TMR).I paid for residential delivery, but someone at FedEx made a mistake,put the merchandise on an eighteen wheeler then called me to unload it myself from a parking lot.Not happening. TMR straightened it out and they were delivered to my door the next day.
Unbelievable that Tekton is of no help to you whatsoever. Even if you did misunderstand the delivery process initially that's a horrible way to treat a customer. Loading those huge speakers on and off a truck by yourself....
On the other hand, if Tekton was aware of the extra cost to deliver the speakers to your home, that cost would have been added to the overall purchase price of the moabs. So you are where you would have been anyway, except as you state above, it was a miscommunication. End result, would your decision to purchase the speakers have changed knowing of the extra costs?

The only answer to such a indescrete question is... who knows!
Or maybe you can find the answer by asking yourself another question: would Tekton have sent me the Moabs if for some reason I had sent them 350 euros less than indicated on the invoice?
Mistakes happen and from the provided information it’s difficult to discern if the fault lies with Tekton or the carrier.   
But the bottom line is this. A stand up dealer, seller, manufacturer, etc will absorb the cost to make it right. It’s just good business sense. If Eric is saying you are on your own now, you figure it out, well that’s just not acceptable.

But the problem now is it sounds like you ARE on your own. You could just send them back, but that will cost you more than getting them from where they are now to your house. And what happens if you pay the extra coin to get them home and you don’t like them? Shipping back to the US? You are in a precarious situation and I wish you good luck. I would still press Eric for a refund to offset the extra expense.
