Gale 401's

Hi there,

I've had the good fortune on inheriting these speakers, though, without an amp.

My dad always said they need "power power power", but looking on other forums, people talk about sold state amps, which I know nothing about, and my dad sure didn't have one of those.

  • What's the difference between solid state and your run of the mill amp from Richersounds? 
  • Could a Cambridge Audio AXR85 power these enough to truly appreciate them?
  • or do I need to invest in something more specialist? 


  • c27078
    , Could a Cambridge Audio AXR85 power these enough to truly appreciate them?
No! it’ll make a noise, but that’s it. When they are driven well they are one of the old sleepers that can really do it, with all types of music, and they need good stands

I owned 3 pairs of these, two wood one chrome, and now they are getting very sought after.
First check the foam roll surrounds on the bass drivers, they don’t last long. And that all the drivers look like this

My dad always said they need "power power power"
And your dad was right, to get the best out of them they need very good Solid State power that can do down to 2ohms almost doubling wattage from 4ohms.
Good bi-polar output solid state. An affordable integrated used that comes to mind would be the John Curl designed Parasound Halo Hint or newer Hint 6.
Or if your not short of a few rubles a Gryphon Diablo 120 or 300.

They benefit greatly getting rid of the mid and tweeter level controls and replace them with a 10w 2.2ohm on the tweeter and a 20w 2.2ohm on the midrange, and also replace the 5 x capacitors with higher quality todays ones.

A little review and pics

Cheers George
First, be aware of the two sources of advice in audiophilia; the "good enough" camp, which are typically budget audiophiles, and those who seek a premium experience wherein cost is a secondary consideration.
Your system and listening will vary widely based on whose advice you accept.

My condolences on your loss; September 9 will be the first anniversary of my father's call Home. The sting of death can be acute; if you wish to chat privately, I invite you to do so.

Please do not take this next thought as though it is callous; an audio system does not care whether you have emotions, ties to the equipment. If your goal is to continue in the vein your father did, with similar amplification, etc, that is a personal decision, but such decisions do affect performance. Like persons who feel obligated to the deceased to hang on to inherited stock and not sell it, even if underperforming, hanging on to the inherited amp or a similar genre of amp may give you a less rich experience.

You will get many responses with a very wide range of recommendations. You will likely end up more confused at the end than at the beginning. But, that's ok, you select your preferences and move ahead. Choices are open-ended in this hobby, changes readily available. If you don't want to wade through all this, then go to a dealer and let him/her give guidance. My advice in regard to preferences and amp selection is this; if you put a lower powered tube amp on those speakers, you will get a more warm, syrupy sound with less resolution, a more romantic sound. I suggest you stay away from SET (Single Ended Triode) amps, as matching them to speakers can be tricky, and frankly, imo several aspects of performance lack unless paired with different, even more efficient speakers. 

If you go higher power solid state, you should hear more dynamic impact, more taut bass, but potentially with more upper end presence and perhaps too much stridency for you. Only a listen would tell; no one here can declare/predict what you would prefer, and only a setup with an amp would suffice to show what satisfies. There is a very wide range of amp performance with any given speaker, so do not accept anyone's claim that they know the "perfect" amp for it. I suggest you attempt to get on loan a couple different genres of amps to try against the Richersounds. 

If you want to make it a project, a hobby activity, look for local amps you can buy and try. You will be astounded at the difference in outcomes. Then, as you wish to upgrade the system, you can have fun with all sorts of changes, including cabling (Power cords, interconnects, speaker cables, etc.) source, etc. It's a beautiful hobby and many ways to play, i.e. collector of media emphasis, or "gear head" who rotates gear. I love variety, so the speaker would be one of several different genres, or I could rotate DACs, or if I used analog I could have a turntable with several arms and cartridges, etc. I hope you find great joy in the hobby as did your father. 

I am a reviewer, so I point you to my article on an amp of particularly high sound quality in my experience, the Legacy Audio i.V4 Ultra (can also be configured as i.V2 Ultra, which would mean a two channel unit, or it can come configured as Monoblock, with one channel per amp) at

The amp I have recommended is a class D design, and some here will rail against that. So be it. I have no interest in arguing with anyone on my recommendation.  

you might contact these people

this indicates the midrange driver was it's winning feature

I would not remove the level controls initially, rather benefit from them. get them going properly, then consider the suggestion above.
GFi and DougS +1

Decades and decades ago I saw them reviewed in a audio mag. My local dealer had them. I was so excited to hear them as their design perfectly fit my home decore.

The salesman, many might know, was Steve Zipser. He took the time to let me listen, then switched to a pair of Ed Long Time Alignment speakers, which I purchased. He and I became fast friends. I even spoke at his wedding to GiGi

Yes to high power SS, it would be awesome to try the Voyager GaN amp. Mine could be here tomorrow or Saturday
I have a pair of fully refurbished GS401A speakers, here are my thoughts on them:

If you live in the UK, David Smith at is an invaluable source  of help if you want to have your speakers refurbished, a wonderful guy to work with. These speakers may be +40 years old, but, after refurbishment they will give a lot of very expensive speakers a run for their money. Plus, they look stunningly beautiful IMHO.