What is the reason for this? (Digital vs Vinyl Question)

I recently bought new speakers - GoldenEar Triton One.R towers - to pair with my Naim Uniti Star. My set-up for digital is the Naim with Ethernet, Qobuz & Tidal HiRes organized and played through Roon. With all of my other systems until now I preferred the sound of vinyl over digital. I have a Rega Planar 3 tt with Rega Fono preamp. I spin the highest quality records you can get - Mofi 1 Step, Analogue Productions, Classic Records, etc. etc. I've been listening for days trying to convince myself otherwise because of the $$ I've spent on records but the digital chain just sounds better to my ears. The question is: Is this because my new speakers are revealing the disparity between digital and analog better than lesser speakers I've used in the past (Monitor Silver, PSB Platinum, etc.) or is it because some speakers just match better with digital vs vinyl or is it because with the Naim streamer / DAC I've just put together a better digital front end and need to upgrade my tt and / or phono preamp?  
You have basically an entry level analog setup.  It's not surprising that you might find that digital sounds better. 

If you're happy with what you have, then enjoy it.  Just know that there's much more to be had with vinyl. 

I enjoy both.  I love the convenience and unlimited choices of streaming and the lack of any noise, but when the vinyl is done right and your system is up to it, it's better than streaming.
You have basically an entry level analog setup. It's not surprising that you might find that digital sounds better.

yes, actually i think greg is right on this...
I have a Rega P6/Ania, Respectable Tubed phono stage with matched Mullards and equivalent+ investment in amplification and speakers. This also is proly considered entry level.

I also have been building/tinkering with my streaming configuration for years and have about the same investment (streamer/external DAC etc).
I still like to spin vinyl but the stream is right there with SQ. 

The bewildering cost of vinyl now is knocked the fun out of it for me, new releases and reissues anyway.  I will carry on looking for old, well recorded classic vinyl. When I really want to engage its the way.

I have even gone back to ripping CDs I barrow from friends and good deals I can find online and well recorded music regardless of genre.  Friend loaned me MOFI gold CD SuperTramp the other day to rip. :)

Basically just not in the correct income bracket to ratchet up the viny spend.  To many other expensive hobbies (motorcycles,bicycles and skiing).

Thanks all

Re: Synergy - that was one of my notions but if that's the case I'm a bit stuck. I'm limited by what used gear is available at a good price when I have the extra money to spend plus, ahem, permission to buy. I don't have the liberty of auditioning all sorts of new equipment and mixing and matching to fine tune the sound. 

Re: Analog being an entry set-up - thanks for the input on that. That was one of my questions albeit perhaps muddled - in essence, were the new speakers revealing the limitations of my analog setup. My intuition had me leaning that way but I was curious to hear the thoughts of those more experienced. The question then would be what might it cost to purchase a more solidly mid-level analog setup? 
Basically just not in the correct income bracket to ratchet up the viny spend. To many other expensive hobbies (motorcycles,bicycles and skiing).

I fear I'm in the same boat and with a massive vinyl collection I got kind of OCD about