LTA Ultralinear vs SET amps

Linear Tube Audio has compared its amps to SET amps, saying they have all the benefits while also adding thumping dynamics, which is exactly what I am looking for. Yet combing through all the reviews and testimonials, I have trouble finding anybody who has specifically compared their amps directly to an SET, be it a 300B, a 2A3, or an 845, 45, etc. Is there anybody who has done exactly this and give some impressions? I currently have 300B monoblocks and love everything about them -- the big, magical, lifelike soundstage, the air, the detail, etc.. -- except for the slightly anemic dynamics and lack of that toe-tapping factor to really suck me into the music. Is there somebody who can enlighten me as to whether the Ultralinear Integrated might be just what the doctor ordered with my 99dB speakers, or not?
I had to chuckle at the mention of Sonic Frontiers. I briefly owned a Power 2 and of the near 30 tube amps I’ve owned, it was the worst I’ve ever heard. You couldn’t give me another one.


You should talk to Nicholas or Mark at LTA. My understanding is that they will do the same mods on the UL which is easy since there is only a 5% difference in the circuit between the UL and the ZOTL40.
Like everything else, it depends on the match with the speakers.  That said, I agree with Lance that the LTA is not lean at all.  They all sound different though and for me, the Ultralinear didn't move me, while the Z40 Integrated did.  I also really liked the Z10i if you only need 12 WPC.  I own the Z40 (paired with Volti Rivals if that gives you a sense of my rig).

I think SETs are different animals but I used to have Joule Electra VZN-160s for many years, which I think is the working definition of "Lush Life" and while the LTAs are not as lush as the Joule Electra's there are several things they do better and have that same spooky transparency in the mids that I really have only heard with OTLs.
I also own the Elekit 300B integrated. I haven’t used it in a while but I remember it being very dynamic, especially once I changed out the small signal tubes to some nicer nos tubes. It’s not only dynamic but actually digs fairly deep too. Not deep like my old Pass Labs X-250 but deeper than my First Watt F3. I am using very efficient speakers. 
So, I guess I have the best of both worlds.  I am using the LTA mz 2 as my pre to a Welborne Labs Laurel (1995] which has been gone through an upgraded by a very competent tech.  Using Cantuck Audio lil audio 15s open baffle speakers.  It is in a small space.   Emission labs 300b tubes,  Sophia 274b rectifier….results are lovely.