What is the reason for this? (Digital vs Vinyl Question)

I recently bought new speakers - GoldenEar Triton One.R towers - to pair with my Naim Uniti Star. My set-up for digital is the Naim with Ethernet, Qobuz & Tidal HiRes organized and played through Roon. With all of my other systems until now I preferred the sound of vinyl over digital. I have a Rega Planar 3 tt with Rega Fono preamp. I spin the highest quality records you can get - Mofi 1 Step, Analogue Productions, Classic Records, etc. etc. I've been listening for days trying to convince myself otherwise because of the $$ I've spent on records but the digital chain just sounds better to my ears. The question is: Is this because my new speakers are revealing the disparity between digital and analog better than lesser speakers I've used in the past (Monitor Silver, PSB Platinum, etc.) or is it because some speakers just match better with digital vs vinyl or is it because with the Naim streamer / DAC I've just put together a better digital front end and need to upgrade my tt and / or phono preamp?  
  I'm  late to the thread and I agree with a lot that has been said here.  I embraced CDs when they were new and immediately preferred them to vinyl.  Around 20 years ago used record stores became big and I spent a lot of time in them, coming across many records that had never made it to digital or were only available in lossy formats.  So I bought a tt and began buying lps and steadily upgraded my analog front end.  Eventually all my sought after recordings became available losslessly in digital and it took me a few years to have to admit that despite I all I had spent on the vinyl end, I always preferred the digital version, even if I was using a cheap digital front end.  Eventually I sold off the analog front end and the records and due to the resurgence of vinyl made a nice profit which I turned into a killer DAC.
   My point is that we can become so emotionally invested in a format that we lose our objectivity.  
"I still like listening to vinyl but recently i discovered that i like actually "looking at it" more than the listening part."

CAKYOL, you hit the nail right on the head! The one thing you missed is;
People "want" to want vinyl". My stepson was explaining to me one day why records sounded better. I asked him whose system he heard this on?
He didn't. He read about it! So much gets perpetuated by ink rather than our ears. 

Someone above mentioned Dynavector.  That is a perfect upgrade in terms of cartridge.  10x, or 20x. Whichever you can afford.  You will get no noise issues with that Dynavector.  Rega grounds differently than some other tables and you can get some noise with Grado or say Ortofon Cadenza cartridges. 

Then get the best phone stage you can.  Once you move away from Rega cartridges, you will find that Rega phono stage will not deliver at the same level. Not sure where your budget will fall.  Vet with the group here to flag any big issues in terms of quality.  There are a few units I can think of that would be in your budget that I would avoid as not very good.  

Chord, Musical Fidelity and Rogue are all very safe in terms of phono stage quality.  
i second scott’s (verdant) recommendation for a dynavector

dyna also makes a lovely small form factor phono stage called the p75... works beautifully with dyna carts via their 'phono enhancer' circuit
@billzameI"m not suggesting anyone build their entire collection at Better Records. I only said "buy one"!

It's just than anyone buying MoFi's and AP's has never heard what a record can do and is therefore in need of an education on analog. Once you've heard what a record can do then at least you understand the possibilities. Then perhaps you start to develop the necessary skills to find great sounding records (cleaning methods, research and developing our ear) on your own. Often this is just cleaning the records we own better and listening with our full attention. But if we're buying Analogue Productions records we'll NEVER really get why serious analog enthusiasts get so darn enthusiastic about it!

The debate about whether vinyl sounds better than digital really ought to be a debate about whether vinyl CAN sound better than digital. If you get the right records, and then you build your system in the right way, that is, the way that makes your best sounding records sound even better, then you will very soon be all in with analog and never look back.

Oh and yes, get a better cartridge and phono preamp, absolutely, but don't expect to get the cartridge right on the very first try and demo as many phono preamps as you can until you decide. DON'T TRUST THE REVIEWS!