I wrapped the ODAM bodies with black silicone electrical tape. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Seal-Self-Fusing-Silicone-Tape/dp/B08B3JSJF3/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&key...=
I honestly didn't glue every last piece down. I realize vibration could play a role here, but my solder welds were very strong and I positioned things so snugly that nothing is going to move. You could easily put some hot glue or clear silicone underneath replacement parts to go the extra mile. I believe Don did. I think I put some silicone under two of the biggest caps. Frankly, everything fits so snugly anyhow.
I took photos and a video of everything before I disassembled it just so I'd have a reference as to what went where.
I honestly didn't glue every last piece down. I realize vibration could play a role here, but my solder welds were very strong and I positioned things so snugly that nothing is going to move. You could easily put some hot glue or clear silicone underneath replacement parts to go the extra mile. I believe Don did. I think I put some silicone under two of the biggest caps. Frankly, everything fits so snugly anyhow.
I took photos and a video of everything before I disassembled it just so I'd have a reference as to what went where.