Need help on an all rounder speaker under $5000

Hello dear audiogoners

I am newbie here and also to the world of high end audio.
I dont know whether 5000 is high end in the audio world but whatever.

I am not an audiophile and i am not looking for details and clarity in music. I want a system that is versatile, that can play everything form brilliant CD recordings to Compressed MP3 formats. All genres from rock to classical to electronic.

My collection is a mix of MP3, High quality audio, some CDs and also live recordings.
So i really needed something warm and colorful that can shine with everything. Something that is just a happy speaker!!
Most of all something that is enjoyable.
I request you all to give me some suggestions. I live in India so brand availability is a question but i get most of the brands here and can audition many of them of just shoot. Also if you can mention associated equipment.
Thanks a lot everybody.
i will starting next week look to audition ATC, Harbeth and Gallo and PSb compare them with each other and B&W that i have heard.

I am not sure if i can get to hear Green mountain and Ohm Walsh in India.

Will let you all know what i think and maybe can get some more advice.
Thanks a lo!
"I am not sure if i can get to hear Green mountain and Ohm Walsh in India."

No distribution there I know of. ONly US, GErmany, and I think AUstralia.
With the right amp (lots of current) Thiel CS 2.4 fits the bill. Thiel has aver undeserving rep as bright, but that's not the case with a high quality amp
Lots of high value options in that range.

Don't know if they ship to India but the Von Schweikert VR33's have been highly praised. I can also endorse the Gallo Ref 3.xs, have had them for 7 years. Legacy also makes high value speakers in that range.
I heard the gallo 3.5, was very impressed.
Now soon i will here legacy, psb.

Hopefully will be able to make a decision then.
Thank you all for the help.