Do you stop the turntable or let it spin while you run e record brush

Hi all,

Since I acquired and have been using the Luxman pd441 I realized that this table has a low torque motor and the plater slows down considerably if I apply the brush with the motor running.
Which does more damage to the unit, the motor fighting the brush or the electronic being turned off and on dozens of times during a listening session?  Thanks all with more experience.


I heard from a dealer who said that Fremer recommends brushing only while the record is spinning otherwise, it could scratch the record.  I let the platter come up to speed and use the  Anti-Static Record Brush · AudioQuest.  It's somewhat lighter than other brushes - and I gently run over the record and sweep.
On my Technics SL1200G, being direct drive I have no such problems.  You can bear down hard on the brush while TT is spinning and the speed never slows down.