The Amplitrex is a terrific tester. For my purposes, the best thing about it is that it is idiot proof. You select the tube type to be tested from a menu, the machine tells you which socket to use, it warms up the tube and then begins the testing. The testing is done at full power , which is the best way to detect weakness. The tester displays real values, not just some arbitrary scale, and also shows the specified value for a new tube to compare the value. The displayed values include emission, transconductance, and noise. The machine also provides—“good,” “bad,” etc.— evaluations. If you hook it up to your computer, it will also trace the tube.
I like my tester a lot. There is no looking up and setting values on the tester, as is the case with something like the TV-7, so this cuts down on mistakes. I’ve noticed that it is a hard grader—tubes that test extremely strong on a TV-7 may not grade as well with the Amplitrex.
I like my tester a lot. There is no looking up and setting values on the tester, as is the case with something like the TV-7, so this cuts down on mistakes. I’ve noticed that it is a hard grader—tubes that test extremely strong on a TV-7 may not grade as well with the Amplitrex.