OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?

This is plastered several times on the Audiogon home page: "High Fidelity Cables NPS-1260 3D Enhancer 1.5ml" for $349. Am I late to the April fool’s party?   How much for a gallon?
I am not going to buy this stuff.But I find it ridiculous when people present their opinion even without experiencing the product. Of course they are entitled to their opinions - but they may not be valid. And to ridicule someone because they found a positive impact in their system is even more surprising. The differences in how systems are setup makes a huge impact on resolving power and identifying minuscule changes.
Only a complete idiot would claim a product doesn’t work without ever trying it.

I don’t know if it does work, but I have no reason to doubt those who have tried it and say it does. As far as I know, nobody who has tried it has found it doesn’t work.

What holds me back is I have concerns as to how to remove it afterwards if I do not like it. I don't want to end up needing to replace tube sockets, power receptacles etc.

Only a complete idiot would claim a product doesn’t work without ever trying it.

You do realize of course you are talking about mapman, mijostyn, georgehifi, and at least a dozen other highly "respected" members?

What holds me back is I have concerns as to how to remove it afterwards if I do not like it.

It wipes off with ordinary alcohol.

I don’t want to end up needing to replace tube sockets, power receptacles etc.

Then don’t put it places it can’t be removed until you are sure. Try on spades, bananas, where it is easily removed. Which once you hear it I doubt you will. But that is always the safest way to go about it.

@theaudiotweak , jealousy will get you no where.

Some of us have the audacity to stand up to this BS. I'm not doing this for my own gratification although I have to admit it is fun tweaking these people. I am doing it to save people who are not as learned about these things from wasting their hard earned money on garbage.