drivers for my diy

hallo, i have some sonus faber concertino and a nad 3020 b right now, and i want to build something my own that sounds like them or even better for my attic, so, i don't know who sell's drivers or anything, that's why i am asking.
do you know very good tweeters, mid and soobwoofer?
Just go to Parts Express or Madisound and window shop. There are many excellent drivers and speaker kits also that eliminate some of the design work.
You should look at DIYaudio.comĀ  lots of builders there who can help you.

Madisound, Parts Express and Meniscus are definitely good places to look for complete kits at a variety of price points.

You might also look at the designs from Troels Gravesen, he is definitely a designer who I agree with more often than not. :)

