@nonoise ....*wry G*...when everyone's free, we've got to expect a whole tushfull of 'variables' (yeah, me too)...and boy howdy, ain't there...
In NC, the CV19D infect rate has gone up 5X, sig other & I have already 'month-ed' when we should go booster...finding relief and amuse in calling chickens 'dinosaurs'...
...one looks at strangers as a potential threat....
...parts of our government as another....
...the next chapter of the Afgan....(words fail)....(miserably)...
...a planet turning to Bite...
"May we live in Interesting Times...."
OK, got IT....wake up tomorrow for the latest outrageous...."WTF, over..."
In NC, the CV19D infect rate has gone up 5X, sig other & I have already 'month-ed' when we should go booster...finding relief and amuse in calling chickens 'dinosaurs'...
...one looks at strangers as a potential threat....
...parts of our government as another....
...the next chapter of the Afgan....(words fail)....(miserably)...
...a planet turning to Bite...
"May we live in Interesting Times...."
OK, got IT....wake up tomorrow for the latest outrageous...."WTF, over..."