What is wrong with my system?

Hi everyone -

I’m posting here because individually I think my components are all good, but together my system is not making music, rather is is making bright bass less noise. Honestly, I’m thinking it’s no one component, but the matching of components that is causing this issue. I would like to get everyone’s opinion as to what I’m hearing. My components are as follows:

B&W 802D (first generation diamond)
Audioquest bi-wired Indigo speaker cables

Classe CAM-200 monoblock amplifiers
Audioquest Water XLR interconnect

Bryston BP26 preamp
Audioquest Water XLR interconnect

Mark Levinson 5100 cd player (PCM slow minimum phase)

thanks in advance.

Mark Levinson 5100 CD player

Add  JL Audio CR1 crossover and a pair of subs. I use a pair JL Audio F110 subs. It’s not about adding bass. It’s about controlling the bass and dialing it to the room. If you are in the Chicagoland area this store lets you try things in your home before you buy:
Your gear is really good. Better than mine is right now. I think this can be solved with cables, isolation, and a subwoofer system. I hope this helped. 


The OP is not interested, not one post, I even sent him a PM asking my question on the 7th post, no response at all. Let it die.

Cheers George
Others have already mentioned this but if that were my system the first thing I would do is try a tube preamp, see how that sounds and go from there.
onehorsepony; What made you purchase the B&W speakers that you have? THIS I think is question number one! Did you hear them some where and did you fall in love with what you heard? Or did you buy because you read a review? This question has to be answered before anything happens. Pictures would be great also. Joe
Others have already mentioned this but if that were my system the first thing I would do is try a tube preamp, see how that sounds and go from there.

I would even go a step further and get an octal tube preamp with a tube rectifier. To my ears the octal tubes have a bigger more airy sound than the small signal tubes.