What is wrong with my system?

Hi everyone -

I’m posting here because individually I think my components are all good, but together my system is not making music, rather is is making bright bass less noise. Honestly, I’m thinking it’s no one component, but the matching of components that is causing this issue. I would like to get everyone’s opinion as to what I’m hearing. My components are as follows:

B&W 802D (first generation diamond)
Audioquest bi-wired Indigo speaker cables

Classe CAM-200 monoblock amplifiers
Audioquest Water XLR interconnect

Bryston BP26 preamp
Audioquest Water XLR interconnect

Mark Levinson 5100 cd player (PCM slow minimum phase)

thanks in advance.

Mark Levinson 5100 CD player

I don’t know if anyone else is like me, but the more I spend on something, the more I question whether it is really better.  Say, if I was over at a friend’s house and he was playing his $5,000 system, and then I go back to my (only in my dreams) $30,000 system, I would be questioning whether it is really that much better than what my friend has.  I would be driving myself crazy with tweaks to try to get THEE best sound . . what I paid for.  But it would likely still not sound good enough to justify in my mind that I got what I paid for.  The more I spent, the more I would feel these doubts and the more money I would be tempted to spend to get to the elusive higher level of musical nirvana.

On the other hand, I can go out to my backyard deck and listen to the Bluetooth speakers in the shape of a rock that cost $200 that my ex-girlfriend gifted me, and I just listen and enjoy and think “This sounds good”.  I don’t drive myself crazy with wanting to tweak — it is what it is, and that’s fine.  Probably just me. 
Add a sub and disconnect the tweeters. Will be an improvement.
Cheap and easy-peasy.
Loudspeakers are old enough to have capacitor drift and ferrofluids drying up. This would cause sound like you mention. Rebuild loudspeakers or upgrade.

You seem to be highly opinionated on these forums. What type of equipment do you have? Can you post some pictures on the systems page?"

Yep...the forum now has TWO keyboard "experts".