What is wrong with my system?

Hi everyone -

I’m posting here because individually I think my components are all good, but together my system is not making music, rather is is making bright bass less noise. Honestly, I’m thinking it’s no one component, but the matching of components that is causing this issue. I would like to get everyone’s opinion as to what I’m hearing. My components are as follows:

B&W 802D (first generation diamond)
Audioquest bi-wired Indigo speaker cables

Classe CAM-200 monoblock amplifiers
Audioquest Water XLR interconnect

Bryston BP26 preamp
Audioquest Water XLR interconnect

Mark Levinson 5100 cd player (PCM slow minimum phase)

thanks in advance.

Mark Levinson 5100 CD player

Add a sub and disconnect the tweeters. Will be an improvement.
Cheap and easy-peasy.
Loudspeakers are old enough to have capacitor drift and ferrofluids drying up. This would cause sound like you mention. Rebuild loudspeakers or upgrade.

You seem to be highly opinionated on these forums. What type of equipment do you have? Can you post some pictures on the systems page?"

Yep...the forum now has TWO keyboard "experts".

Can you demo a Bryston amplifer? Three years ago I replaced my Classe CA-201 with a Bryston 4B3 and was was quite surprised at the all around  improved sound the Bryston added to my system. Rest of system is Bryston BP25, Teac PD-H600 cd player and Canton Vento 890.2 DC Speakers. Blue Jeans in between. I have no desire to change anything.