You're just fine and we all are recounting our unique and specific experiences.
Western Electric 116a are special. Would I go back? Only if I could lift them. Over 100 lbs each, One of the few amps that really made Strathearn ribbons sound like nothing on earth.
I sold the ribbons (financial issue at the time) and the 116a followed.
I had a son that spent 6 years on and off at Children's Hospital.. I almost sold the WIFE instead. LOL Felt like John Belushi in the Blues Brothers.. "How much for the girl'? How about you keep the boy and buy me lunch..
HE just got his second degree.. A lot smarter than his Dad that's for sure.. AND will never have to work like I did (my prayer were answered)
Sad, it would cost 50k for ME to get that sound back, about 10k for the Strathearns, 35-40 k for the WEs. They were my Dads. A present to himself after Korea. Military WE 116a.. I think he paid 600.00 at the "on base" surplus..
I sold them for over 15k and 4k for the Strathearns.. I paid ALL the medical bills (1991) off. The boy came home no worse for wear..
I dug out my Macs.. Never looked back..