Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
For around $45k, the Sonus Faber Strads simply TRASH the $88k Magico speakers that I heard IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. If you are comparing a sub $50k speaker, there is no comparison between SF and Magico. Magico are dry sounding, non-involving and way over priced.
Good analogy Peterayer. Love them both and could live with either!
Slicing in-between, sport cruisers the likes of Bentley or Aston could be great options too--or even Bugatti if money no object. But until such time, a Hyundai will suffice getting me to places.. ;p
He we go again. We have the audiophiles who like Magico and the music lovers who listen to live music and like the Fabers. I have heard Magico's many times and yes they are an audiophile speaker. Do they sound like live music which is warm and natural hell no.
Many would agree with your impression. Two very different approaches.I`ll always prefer musical realism rather than 'audiophile' genre accuracy(artificial).
Magico Mini 2 was reference standard musical when I heard them play an orchestral string recording off VAC amp, VTL pre-amp, DCS source and high end Nordost wires. Very detailed smooth and musical all at once.

Performance with other kinds of music with large macrodynamic swings was still very good a speaker that size but not reference standard.

Of course the Magico's did not do this all by themselves. The stuff feeding them upstream were undoubtedly a big part of the "magic". OTher very good speakers might have done similarly well and perhaps even better in some regards like macrodynamics. Microdynamics/transients were benchmark standard though so I know they can do it.