Streamer vs. new mac mini for 2 channel system

Hi audio friends,

I LOVE the functionality of my mac mini with my 2 channel system: Exasound 62e DAC, Modwright ls100 pre, Coda continuum 8 power amp and Wilson Sabrina speakers.  Being able to navigate with mouse and keyboard from my listening position is infinitely better than using a tablet or some mickey mouse app with my phone.  

The issue is the mac mini.  Clearly this is not the best transport, however I want to use my 2 channel system for more than just streaming roon.  I listen to soundcloud a lot to learn about new music and when I watch tv I want to utilize the stereo for netflix, crave etc.  My Dac has only 1 usb in and obviously an optical + s/pdif, but the fidelity is just not as good with the other inputs.  

I almost pulled the trigger on a Lumin U1 mini, but again I do not see how this transport will improve fidelity, without limiting overall functionality.  How do I bring a new mac mini to a place where it can compete with a dedicated transport like the lumin, or is this even a reasonable suggestion?  

Looking to optimize the system in the most efficient way.
Confused - any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Means to keep macmini, Uptone  Audio MMK internal dc power supply with Uptone JS-2 linear power supply. And then convert to server duty only by turning off all non-critical services, or you can keep general computer capabilities by not turning off services. Requires a modicum of diy ability.
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I cannot speak about the Lumin. However after fiddling with Macs an PCs as streamers / transports for over ten years my streaming end was grossly inferior until I purchases a good dedicated streamer. I just didn’t understand how it could make a big difference. Well, it did and does. My digital end now rivals my analog end. PCs and Macs are very noisy devices and it transmits the noise into the system which translates into inferior SQ which is then amplified. A good streamer is built from the ground up to be quiet. As you go up the chain in streamers much of the cost goes into the power supply and internal isolation. My streamer’s audio circuit actually works on battery power. I highly recommend looking at Aurender. Worthy of buying used for their great sound. Also, everyone likes their iPad / iPhone interface, it integrates all music, streamed and local.
Computer=noise.  Streamer all the way. Plus no upkeep with patches and versions. 
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