Please can I piggy back on this thread with some related questions? I'm interested in the EMT cartridges and know nothing, really, about them. An acquaintance recently advised me to skip the whole SPU thing and get an EMT TSD 15. My 'table is a Garrard 401, my arm a Jelco 750L 12".
1. Is the Jelco "good enough" for an EMT TSD 15?
2. Can somebody 'splain the EMT range to me? The website is a mystery and I keep running across references to cartridges that seem to have been produced in limited quantities and the replaced with a newer different model. What's up with that?
3. What's the advice about replacing the Jelco? I'm sure there are lots better arms out there, at a price...
Thanks, in advance, for any information or counsel anyone is willing to share.
1. Is the Jelco "good enough" for an EMT TSD 15?
2. Can somebody 'splain the EMT range to me? The website is a mystery and I keep running across references to cartridges that seem to have been produced in limited quantities and the replaced with a newer different model. What's up with that?
3. What's the advice about replacing the Jelco? I'm sure there are lots better arms out there, at a price...
Thanks, in advance, for any information or counsel anyone is willing to share.