Help me decide on first turntable purchase

This is my first turntable purchase. Last time I had a TT was when I was teenager in the 80's. I don't have much vinyl at all so I have to buy records as well. Budget is $3000, really don't want to go over that. I need a phono stage as well. My system is Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII, PrimaLuna EVO 400 integrated. My digital is a Innuos Zenith mkIII into a Chord Qutest. My initial thoughts on a couple tables were the Mofi Ultradeck, Music Hall 7.3 and Rega Planar 6. I am sorry but I just don't like the look of the Technics stuff. I am not a big fan of the Rega looks either but I know it gets great reviews. I was considering a Clear Audio Concept until I joined the Facebook owners group and hear about all the motor speed problems. Initial phone Pre I was looking at were the Mofi and KC Vibe. The Ultradeck seems very solid and seems to get great reviews.
Thank you for your thoughts. 
I have had 2 Rega’s. And the P6 with the Ania cartridge or even the Exact cartridge is a great value in my opinion. 

And listen to the options before you make a decision 
I would add VPI to your list.  Of the ones you mentioned, I would go for the Mofi Ultradeck.  I had a Music Hall 7.1 and it is a pretty decent table with good isolation and a good arm for the price point.  I've never had the chance to do any serious listening to a Rega, so I'm not saying that I've listened to that table and prefer the others over it.

The phono stage is important, don't skimp on that.
If you can avoid making a purchase for an extended period.
I suggest selecting a few Albums that have impressed you from the digital collection and see if these are available for reasonable money as a Vinyl Purchase. 
To get the maximum value of the Vinyl as a source media, if these can be cleaned for you, it would be worth the small additional investment.
Both yourself and any owner of equipment being demonstrated will appreciate recently cleaned LP's   

From that point on, it will depend on how many demonstrations you can arrange for a Vinyl Set Up within your budget. 
My thoughts are that if you stick close to your Budget with New Equipment you will be more impressed how a Digital Source SQ Compares.
If you are looking at having demonstrations of used devices that were once over your budget, there is a good possibility that the Vinyl Source might be able to show the attractors it is known for over the Digital.

 As an initial experiment and re-introduction to a Vinyl Source,
acquiring a few Albums is not too expensive and the arranged demonstrations could introduce you to a new friend who is kept in contact with.

If  $3k is total budge of table and phono stage, consider  the $130 Schiit  Mani. 

This is based  on taking a personal demo with the Mofi thru my PL.  The Ultradeck is a a good value.

Best future upgrade is a decent LOMC then a $2-3K phonostage. It will take your LP playback to another level.