You have some nice speakers, everything else is kind of entry level.
What's your budget? Based on your setup, it looks like vinyl is your main source?
I would avoid Jolida, I have owned one of their preamps (Fusion) and a couple of the JD9 phono stages. They aren't built that well and are noisy compared to other components.
I wouldn't limit yourself to tubes (although I love tubes). While the La Scalas don't need much power, they can benefit from a more powerful amplifier. Class D is worth considering. Lots of power and damping for the La Scala's big woofers and the slightly rolled off top end of many Class D amps may be a blessing with the La Scala's, especially if you like to listen loud.
With the current vinyl setup you have, you're not going to experience the full benefits of a better amp/preamp. The pieces you mentioned are probably a sideways move at best.
If you're happy with how things sound and only have a few hundred dollars in your budget, don't spend anything. Be happy with what you have and don't waste your money making a sideways move.
What's your budget? Based on your setup, it looks like vinyl is your main source?
I would avoid Jolida, I have owned one of their preamps (Fusion) and a couple of the JD9 phono stages. They aren't built that well and are noisy compared to other components.
I wouldn't limit yourself to tubes (although I love tubes). While the La Scalas don't need much power, they can benefit from a more powerful amplifier. Class D is worth considering. Lots of power and damping for the La Scala's big woofers and the slightly rolled off top end of many Class D amps may be a blessing with the La Scala's, especially if you like to listen loud.
With the current vinyl setup you have, you're not going to experience the full benefits of a better amp/preamp. The pieces you mentioned are probably a sideways move at best.
If you're happy with how things sound and only have a few hundred dollars in your budget, don't spend anything. Be happy with what you have and don't waste your money making a sideways move.