What would you do???

I am torn between the following solutions, all run in balanced configuration. I do not have any SACDs, so I would be getting the marantz for it XLR capability and good reviews. Both configs are about the same price.

Audio Aero Capitole SE MKII direct into a pass X250.5


Marants SA-11 CD player into Audio Research LS-17 Preamp

Thanks for any input.
I would go with the Audio Aero Capitole, as it is one of the very best Redbook players I have ever heard. This will allow you to add a preamp at some point in the future should you see the need, although several Capitole owners I know run direct into their amps.

My two cents worth anyway.
Good Luck!
Watch out for those reviews. I listened to a Marantz and an Arcam player (both raved about in the reviews). I compared them directly to the Meridian 588 and there was NO comparison. The Meridian was in a whole other league. The Audio Aero should trounce the Marantz in Redbook and the setup should sound much better going direct as long as the player has enough gain. However, I preferred going through a pre-amp vs going straight through my player which is supposed to have enough gain to go straight to the amp. Of course, it helps when you a have a great pre-amp to go through (the LS17 is good, but far from great).