Build-up on stylus - any new cures?

Hi, I run a restored TD-124 and SME 3009 series II, a Shure V-15 III, and a JICO SAS stylus. The last record or two I played sounded a bit off and I wondered whether I had managed to wear out the stylus. Using a pocket microscope I bought for this, I was able to see that the stylus tip still has good "shoulders," so that much is good. However, it has an astonishing amount of sparkly white build-up around the diamond.

There is a thread on here from 2014 with good advice, and I've used slices from a magic eraser for some years now, occasionally with alcohol. Usually I clean the stylus every other record side with a dry ME. Any new thoughts on removing this junk?
One 2014 poster suggested gently dragging the stylus on the ME back to front. I have never done that but would like to hear if anyone thinks that is safe for the tip? Hopefully there is an inexpensive solution, thanks!
Thanks! I have brushes, magic erasers, and various things. I read that the SAS styli just scoop up stuff and the tip now looks like it is inside a micro snow ball with the just the very tip of the diamond protruding. An ultrasonic jewelry cleaner may be the next attempt.
Flux Hi-Fi makes an ultrasonic stylus cleaner.
The Cardas Frequency Sweep Test Album also does a US cleaning of stylus.
 I’m using an older US cleaner from Signet and the Cardas test album.