Looking for a tube preamp with remote control.

Although I am very happy with my modified (with Teflon caps) Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp, I need to replace it with a tube preamp with remote control due to my current lack of mobility.
I’m looking to spend no more than $3000. The preamp needs to have a phono.input.
I’m matching it with a Benchmark amplifier.
Any suggestions?
If you like the CJ sound, why not wait for a good used one to show up on USAM &/or Agon? As to the passive preamps, I have seen too many people who have tried it go back to a regular active preamp. 
The Rogue headphone amp RH-5 is also a full-function preamp with balanced and unbalanced input and output, tubes, remote control, etc.  An optional phono module brings the total price to just under 3K.  Some prefer it to Rogue's more expensive offerings.
Your Cambridge streamer appears to offer volume control like the BluOS product I use.  Just set the volume control on your preamp to to the maximum volume you are likely to listen to with the volume on the streamer at maximum.  After establishing that value, use the streamer volume app to attenuate the volume to your preferred level.

Buy a used ET 6 SE , sell yours and your bottom line should be around $3k when done 
I had great results with Odyssey Audio’s Candela. High value for the money and Klaus’ service is excellent.