Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics

I'm increasingly disturbed by the number of threads that have been ruined lately by non-OP's who have been here decades with thousands of posts and yet seem obsessed with taking discussions off-topic. While I'm not dismissing the notion that everything matters in hifi (including friendly chit-chat), it seems that this off topic blather vastly overwhelm thread topics that clearly would have more influence to hifi audio sound.     

If some unsuspecting newbie were to stumble onto this forum they would likely come away thinking that unrelenting banter is the most important element towards obtaining wonderful hifi sound. This is unfortunate. For example, well all of them! Just watch, I bet they will do it to this one too! Even thought they already have one tailor made for echo chamber blather, they will not be able to help themselves and pollute this one as well. Just watch! 

Is it just me?
I try to pretend I’m in an actual room with actual people and actually had to take responsibility for what I say and whether I attempt to hear them out. I don’t always do this, but that’s the goal.

Various posters have gotten under my skin more than a couple times, and I have lost my cool. I've tried to apologize for those times.  I realize that I can do the same to others, so it's practical to forgive. And after all, we're trying to let audio -- the thing we came together over in the first place -- be the ever-dominant guide in what we say and how we say it. Because if this forum didn't exist, we'd have to invent it again!
First of all. Guilty.
Now that that's out of the way, I don't think any amount of discussion will change things in a meaningful way. The only thing I've ever seen that kept any online forum clean and troublefree was serious and consistent moderation. And that's a tiresome chore for those involved. In lieu of that, I can do my part.

Like feeling so threatened they they start a thread with the same title as mine purely as an attempt to belittle my input and message? Yes, I get it and couldn’t agree more @oregonpapa 
Agreed. If one didn't know any better, one would say you're living rent free in his head.