Unplug or ride out the storm?

In most years we have a couple of severe thunderstorms and to be safe I unplug everything. This summer is like twilight zone. Probably 15 or 20 significant electrical storms. I've been unplugging everything even though I have Furman surge protection and power conditioning. I'm confident it will work if called upon but don't want to put it to the test if I don't have to. Kind of like lifeboats on a ship. They probably work fine but you'd rather not have to test them out. The bad part (whether placebo or real) I'm convinced some of my components take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days to really hit their stride when they've been unplugged and allowed to cool off. Just curious what everybody else does
Just shut the breaker off, that is if you took the time to put the hifi on a seperate circuit. No need to unplug if the breaker is off..
We had a direct lightning strike. Hit the flashing on the brick chimney. Fried two breakers whereby the flipswitch was seized. Lots of other things zapped including a $2000 refrigerator. Stereo gear survived with a blown glass fuse.
Ah yes, lightning is worse today than it was in the past {roll eyes}

I'm unplugged always as I run off batteries. While I was plugged in I had surge protection and never bothered to unplug. I cannot say if my surge protection would have been sufficient in the event of a strike, so best do what you feel comfortable with. 

We evacuated for Ida, so I unplugged everything.
There is no difference in my system, warmed versus just turned on.