Looking for a tube preamp with remote control.

Although I am very happy with my modified (with Teflon caps) Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp, I need to replace it with a tube preamp with remote control due to my current lack of mobility.
I’m looking to spend no more than $3000. The preamp needs to have a phono.input.
I’m matching it with a Benchmark amplifier.
Any suggestions?
I would be interested in hearing what your impressions are after you have implemented it and listened for a while. As Elliott pointed out this violates the  fundamental principle of introducing no extra functions in the signal path. I tried a high end manual switch box about 40 years ago… that had big negative impact on the sound. Be interested to hear if the technology has improved.
I've been really happy with rogue gear for 20+ years. RP-5 has all you're looking for and can be had for just around 3k as a demo. Like this!
The Placette RVC is a very nice unit.  Many years ago, I tried it in my system, but, I ended up buying their active linestage (unity gain buffer) because it sounded a bit more dynamic.  But, you already have a nice linestage, so the remote volume control makes sense.  

Don't stint on the interconnects needed to put it into the loop.  This level of gear warrants using really nice wiring.

Yes, I already have some decent cables, but I’m afraid I may have to upgrade.