Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
Technically it was the inconsistent unbelievable story-telling that was shown to be inconsistent and unbelievable. I am on record over and over again always believing anyone who says they can’t hear. Never argue with someone telling you they can’t hear. They know what they’re talking about.

Would that the reverse were true.

People having psychotic episodes, cease to hear voices when anti-psychotic medication is administered.
We should not automatically default to believing what they tell us, unless there is a way to verify it is extant in the physical world.
So it is perplexing to assume that one should default the Fox Moulder state of, “Wanting to believe” when there is a lack of evidence that we should believe it.

At best, without a way to measure and show that something is really there, then we might just have to agree to disagree?
I am not saying that you do not hear something. Just that there is no reason (as of yet) that has been shown that i too should be able to also hear it. Or maybe we have some hypothesis but less in the way of measurements shown that it exists.
@prof, well said.

While working early in my career as an editor (network television), I dealt with similar issues, e.g. matching room tone from edit to edit.

It requires careful listening and attention to detail. 

Those who don’t do it for a living have no idea.

Yes tvad.  It's a "they don't know what they don't know" scenario.

There's a whole lot more to understanding the characteristics of sound than believing Miles' trumpet sounds more burnished when you put your cables on a riser.

In Finance and Econ it’s called survivor theory …the survivors color the long run data. Dead men tell no tales. When Bitcoin corrects, the big losers….well you get the idea. Same for negatives in audio… Wonder how many cheap Schuman generators are out there…humming away… the dopamine hit…long gone…..
"Those who don’t do it for a living have no idea."

This job seems rewarding yet simultaneously stress/anxiety provoking. 