Just per your comment: Yeah, it is. Creatively can be very satisfying.
However, in the movie business as a sound designer/editor, my work is last in line. A sound mix is generally set in stone, far in advance, as all sorts of productions are competing for studio time, and everyone has their hard airing (for TV) or release date deadlines, and the mix is the last big creative process, then it’s sent off.
Basically that means that EVERYONE else in all the jobs leading up to the sound edit can stretch or fudge time. So it can be "well the writing took longer...or the production...or the editing...or the visual effects" etc.Everyone can be "late" to some degree. Not me. There is a single, hard mix date we have to have everything ready for, the productions costing millions of dollars, mix time hundreds of thousands.
Being late is career suicide. (With the rare exception that picture changes necessitate "flying in" sounds to the mix). Therefore, in 30 years I have never been late.
Every time I talk I hire a contractor who changes schedule on me, or "things take longer" I shake my head. What a position to be in.
So, yeah, it can be awfully stressful at times. Right now I have to finish 7 movies before Christmas!!!