HiRes lossless FLAC Radio streams

I noticed the other day that the latest Lumin app update included links to a few dozen FLAC radio streams.  I have to say they sound really good, with some streaming up to 192 kHz/16bit at over 6mbps on my transport.  While the sound quality is good the content is lacking right now and I can't find much to my liking - however I haven't dug in very deep yet and I'm hoping the offerings expand over the coming months.  

Anyone else finding some really good hi-res streaming stations, particularly jazz, indie, rock?  Would like to also hear about other's listening impressions on these hi-res radio streams.   
Another vote here for Radio Paradise.  Though where I am the internet is not good enough for Hi Res levels
Lumin App 7.0.6 still requires a login. I have the latest IOS and have not seen the update you speak of. What is your app version?
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I tried the link.  Every station I clicked either didn’t work or restricted access