Does reference mean the best you've heard or just a baseline to compare other speakers to?
Reference defined as::
Complete full midrange, in all its charms and colors, nice gorgeous soundstage, zero fatigue, zero colotation, voice 100% accurate. All amps are acceptable , from 1 watt to 1k watts.
Not aggressive. Musicality pure natural, clean, clear, **neutral* Seamless perfection.
We are NOT looking for bass below 40-60hz, we are not looking for highs 12k-100k hz.
60 hz will be just fine. 12khz will be just fine.
This is what defines a Reference Speaker.
*man how many speakers have I heard witha bloated, muddy soundstage,,I'd bea milliionaire for every speaker I've hard witha bloated midrange. Or eithera crippled midrange, like my Seas Thors.
~~~~~can Klipsche meets these requiremements~~~~~
Not asking for much, but these are the parameters which defibes our word usage of
Reference Point.
Dont get me wrong here
My Seas Thors voice incredible life like vocals, deep 40 hz bass, nice highs...But at what cost...
Next to a wide band, can't holda candle.
WBer on 1 channel, Thors on the other...
hahahahaha, what a joke Seas Thors, POS
All xover box speakers suffer this disease in the midrange.