HiRes lossless FLAC Radio streams

I noticed the other day that the latest Lumin app update included links to a few dozen FLAC radio streams.  I have to say they sound really good, with some streaming up to 192 kHz/16bit at over 6mbps on my transport.  While the sound quality is good the content is lacking right now and I can't find much to my liking - however I haven't dug in very deep yet and I'm hoping the offerings expand over the coming months.  

Anyone else finding some really good hi-res streaming stations, particularly jazz, indie, rock?  Would like to also hear about other's listening impressions on these hi-res radio streams.   
Check out the station web sites direct. WXRT Chicago has a listen tab snd the quality is excellent. Another I have on my iphone is HiDef Radio app. Not sure if they still offer it as I have had people day they can’t find it.
Yeah, I'm personally not digging the content of Radio Paradise.  The sound quality is fantastic however - maybe they will consider adding more stations.
@pjb255livecom To what purpose would pushing a lossless program thru a compressed medium like Bluetooth gain? Phooey.

If their app runs on an iPad should be able to go digital out to a DAC

Good topic. I’m looking through the stations available on my Ifi Zen Streamer, and I see a handful from Naim, Linn, Radio Paradise, and others. I bet these are all high quality streamer. I’ll have to try them out!

The BluOs app, on the other hand, shows local FM and AM channels as well as internet channels. And Radio Paradise has a special place on the first page of the app.