why do so many discussions turn contentious?

just venting....why do so many discussion posts need to turn  contenious and nasty?  do you guys find that constructive and/or enjoyable?  I have no clue who or how this forum is moderated, but I sure would love to see a stop to that...it makes me feel like this hobby is dominated by total jerks.

Can't we play nice, share OPINIONS and OBSERVATIONS, realizing that  they often are subjective and biased.  
"if you dont have anything nice to say, say nothing"?  If you wish to disagree, do it in a constructive and mature fashion, no need for "argument ad hominem"...

with all the chaff, one must waste so much time finding the wheat, figuratively speaking.  

I doubt my writing this will change anything, but, like most social media, people writing to others without facing them does not bring out the best, sadly......

@nonoise said "[and]Bob's your uncle."
I love that expression; a colleague used it many many years ago and I eventually found the alleged source for it. You know it (perhaps apocryphal)?

I don't know  the answer other than that I suspect these fora aren't moderated heavily (unless a post or discussion is brought to Tammy's attention- sometimes, I get the sense she's doing it all). And there are forums that are far more heavily moderated and  don't tolerate nonsense, politics, etc. You get banned. So, folks tend to behave nicely in such an environment. And that doesn't stop informed discussion of the relevant topics- audio, music and associated products, methods of implementation, etc. 
Self-policing is always best. 
A little humor is also usually welcomed (at least by me). But I saw one "newbie" say in another thread that he was reluctant to post because of the rancor and nastiness. I've gotten to the point where I just ignore it. It's not my site, I try to follow the rules and treat others civilly. Beyond that, I don't think it is possible to avoid disagreements; argument can be at a fairly high level without resorting to personal attacks. And there is learning there, even if you don't buy into the original poster's premises.
As I learned a long time ago in the law, "the most reasonable person" often wins. Posting here isn't about "winning" but a lot of the contentiousness seems to arise from arguments about the merits (or lack of them) to a particular piece of gear or approach. And I think no matter how passionate a person is in advocating a position, they must take account of how their post will be read by others.
Being provocative to garner attention isn't really a good way to build relationships, either on the web or in non-virtual life.  
Look around, you will find your answer. Look at all the perfectly fine discussions ruined by people who insist on taking them off topic in order to discuss whatever is on their mind, without any regard for the original topic let alone the original poster.

Scroll down the page of recent discussions, it is actually pretty good right now but over time you will find discussions with the same names over and over again. No matter what the subject they will take it over. They will take a discussion started to talk about how great something is, and turn it into a discussion about how awful it is, and how terrible the people are for liking it. If you like something and they don’t happen to like you then you are a shill, and you are insulted every way imaginable. If you hear something they don’t, or understand something they don’t, or say anything at all they disagree with on any subject they will hound you off the platform. Happens over and over again.

They will blame contentious topics. They will project blame everywhere but where it lies: with themselves.
it takes two to argue, so my approach will always be to avoid the dance when you sense who you are dealing with; what I find disappointing is that this childish behavior largely dilutes the value of the form, making it difficult, at times, to find what you are looking for. A question or observation is posted, it leads to a thread of 50 responses, mostly of little or no value, and often leading totally away from the original post...this should  not a male pissing contest, "my X is better or cost more than your Y"....I could care less about that....but, I guess this is the world we find ourselves in, and I have nowhere else to go....