Who makes the best subwoofer for music? REL or JL AUDIO? REL uses High level, JL AUDIO low level with EQ. Which will be better for music. 
I hav Jl audio,  rel  and M&k subs in my systems . All pairs.
IMO the sub choice  depend on the speakers you are matching them with . I use my Jl Gotham’s v2 pair with my magico M3 integrated with a cr-1 crossover and the integration and blend is seem less . The rel s812 pair  I use with my Charney horns using high level inputs . Good integration. Without an adjustable phase I feel  the integration is very good but not perfect . The ease of set up though is beyond compare .
 Took me with the help of bass guru Barry the Sounddoctor months the get the Gotham’s tuned in to perfection to the room with thr m3 . The Rels I could do it in an evening. They  sounded decent just plugged in  lol.
The M&k x12 pair I use in my home theater . Thundering sound effects . Set up using Dirac.
Each sub IMO is a diff beast . To compliment full range accurate speakers Jl audio,  if you take the effort will win. For just adding bass to a limited range speakers with ease rel would win.  Purely my experience. I have been a rel faithful from their st series . 
I have owned dual SVS SB15 and SB16 Ultras, HSU, JL Audio, Martin Logan Depth and REL subwoofers. I prefer the REL G1 mkII over every other subwoofer that I've owned. JL Audio subwoofers hit harder, but to my ears, in my room/system, no other subwoofer improved everything across the audio spectrum like REL. You can't hear my G1s when they're on, but turn them off while music is playing and I just shake my head.
I just switched from my Martin Logan Force subs and picked up 2 REL subs after demoing REL and JL Audio.  Extremely happy with the upgrade.
My JL crapped out. Been meaning to send in the amp to fix for $400 but haven’t gotten around to it. I hear it was a round of bad caps in the 1st couple years models. 
I have a REL and like it a lot, but I chose Rythmik because it's good a great reputation and is a servo sub that is eminently adjustable.