Cremona M

Thinking about buying pair of Cremona M , what is your opinion since they are older model ? I would drive them with McIntosh MA 252 …
RAMONA X is better

FWIW Sonus Faber is the brand. Most know the brand.Cremona the model.  Every model is hard to keep up with, especially since I'm not looking for speakers
I was waiting for a pair of those to come up for sale locally....they rarely show up used.   Great speaker ....
I bought a used pair about ten years ago as an experiment. After attending the symphony regularly I was no longer happy with my planar speakers. It began a real love affair with Sonus Faber. A couple upgrades later I have Amati Traditional… see my systems by clicking on my user I’d.

I personally do not like Mac… real lack of detail and very heavy on bass… but many people do. It is all about personal taste.