Tang Band 2145 in action

Ck out the sunning , sparkling highs.
Hardly need to add a  tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, +  with a  simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.

As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.

Truly a   magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well  the TB2145 has your order.



I can understand the enthusiasm of someone hearing a different kind of sound from speakers that are not conventional boxes. This can be hearing a good horn-based system for the first time, hearing a Walsh bending wave driver, an electrostatic speaker, a planar magnetic speaker, etc.  But, it is just silly to then assume that that new discovery is the be all and end all of sound reproduction.  It made no sense to declare that everything else is a fraud and to dismiss other drivers that are similar in design and application without hearing the driver. 

Someone mentioned the AER BD3, which was dismissed because the OP did not like something they said in their literature.  I've heard the cheaper BD2 driver in both open baffle and in quarter-wave back-loaded horn configuration, and it is a terrific driver.  Someone may prefer the MUCH cheaper Tang Band, but, they can only make such an assessment by hearing the driver (certainly not by hearing a Youtube video).  I've heard two different Tang Band full range drivers (I cannot recall the model numbers) and I thought they were good, particularly for the money, but, if given a choice, I would take the BD2 i heard.  I've heard several other full range drivers that would certainly be in contention, particularly the ones with field coils for their magnetic assembly.
Hey mozartfan - why don’t you check out those new Altec 755 8" drivers that an eBay seller has for around $300 each? Yes they are reproductions but with new higher efficiency magnets! I assume they will be over 90db sensitivity. They look impressive! I would choose them to build an almost-full range speaker. They spec out as going out to 8khz. Yes, you will have to add a tweeter to go higher - but that’s a lot better choice than a driver like a Tang Band with a whizzer cone!
So, you are dumping on speakers that you have never heard?

You’re  are making decisions about something you know nothing about.

bit closed minded…
discovery is the be all and end all of sound reproduction

1 being, some of us are poor audiophiles./
We just don't have the big bucks like some of you guys, with huge  horn systems.
My goal here is to help other newbies who are just starting out to be aware that there does exist a
~~~~Althernative~~~~ to the conventional,, highly popular and often promoted here on audiogon, The Xover Low sens speakers.
If I did not raise awareness of these speakers,, they would never get any attention here,,which they at least deserve a old dusty corner on Audiogon. 
Kicked under the bus for so long.
I am the lone WBer fanatic pumping these designs.

So I am working OT to make sure they do get at least a  1 minute commercail, before being pushed down to limbo

~Audiophiles can  fork out more and get less and sometimes spend less and get more~~~~

OK, dis/mis-information.
Myth buster.
***wide bands roll off both ends, lacks vass slam and dull highs.***

Prejudiced falsehood, based on lack of real exp with these speakers, Only hear-say, 
Well here ya go, Stevie Wonders 1973, Too High.


If you compalin about Vid quality,, please keep those snides to yourself 