So, you are dumping on speakers that you have never heard?
You’re are making decisions about something you know nothing about.
bit closed minded…
You’re are making decisions about something you know nothing about.
bit closed minded…
Tang Band 2145 in action
discovery is the be all and end all of sound reproduction
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ caveats 1 being, some of us are poor audiophiles./ We just don't have the big bucks like some of you guys, with huge horn systems. My goal here is to help other newbies who are just starting out to be aware that there does exist a ~~~~Althernative~~~~ to the conventional,, highly popular and often promoted here on audiogon, The Xover Low sens speakers. If I did not raise awareness of these speakers,, they would never get any attention here,,which they at least deserve a old dusty corner on Audiogon. Kicked under the bus for so long. I am the lone WBer fanatic pumping these designs. So I am working OT to make sure they do get at least a 1 minute commercail, before being pushed down to limbo ~Audiophiles can fork out more and get less and sometimes spend less and get more~~~~ OK, dis/mis-information. Myth buster. ***wide bands roll off both ends, lacks vass slam and dull highs.*** Prejudiced falsehood, based on lack of real exp with these speakers, Only hear-say, Well here ya go, Stevie Wonders 1973, Too High. If you compalin about Vid quality,, please keep those snides to yourself Thanks |
wo different Tang Band full range drivers (I cannot recall the model numbers) and I thought they were good, particularly for the money, but, if given a choice, I would take the BD2 i heard.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TB 1802 TB1775 Both great I think the TB2145 is their best. AER's are over priced. Sorry I don't pay for over priced speakers.... Some guy left a comment on my comment about the Vox Wide band.. Says **speakers are grossly over priced** = Vox /AER over priced = not worth the cash.\ I tend to agree. the AER 1,2,3, maybe 5%/10% superior to the Davidlouis VX8. At $550, I am not complaining, Besides my classical music does not call for the superior quality of the Vox and AER. The DavidLouis serves quite well. |