RME ADI-2 fs DAC: Not Loving It

I took the plunge about 6 months ago and replaced my Peachtree DACiTx with ADI-2.  I got the DACiTx to play files via computer and from my old but beloved JVC XL-Z1050 CDP.  

Can't say that I've noticed a marked improvement using the RME over the Peachtree. 

I picked the RME because of the glowing reviews and the fact that it had DSP.  I'm 61 yrs. old and last time I had my ears checked I haven't really lost much in the high freq's. But, I thought that it was inevitable that I would and the EQ that RME has may be a bonus.

In reality, it is not very user friendly and I'm no techie.  I thought by playing with it for a while it would get easier but really all I want to do is listen to music.

I'm no longer using a computer but a Bluesound Node 2i for my files and also use Tidal.

Not really a headphone guy but thought it would be nice to have the option seeing that neither of my preamps have a headphone jack.  I was only using my headphones with portable devices.  

I have mostly listened to vinyl over the years but really wanted to upgrade my digital front end as I'm getting lazy in my old age. 

The rest of my system :

Classe CP-50
Rogue Audio Model 99 Magnum

Power Amps:
McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe Edition 
Black Ice Audio Fusion 3502P

ACI Titan II LE subwoofer

Still using the JVC as a CD transport.   
I usually mix and match tubes with solid state.  Right now I'm using the Classe Pre with Black Ice Audio tubed power amp.

The RME sounds rather neutral, lean and dry to my ears.  Nothing exciting.  It doesn't make me sit up and take notice like when I first added the Peachtree to my system.  I was like wow! This is what I been missing all these years.  So, I thought the RME would be a significant upgrade over the Peachtree.  So far, not impressed.  Maybe if I was headphone guy?  Can't comment there other than both headphone outputs work.  

Any suggestions on what to try or what direction I should take next? 
I got an RME and I never even used any of the many adjustments; I like the sound of it better than that of the Hugo 2, which costs twice as much. And I agree, it IS rather neutral and dry; seems to leave the 'character' to the amp. But I've since replaced the RME with a DAVE and an M Scaler, and I've just replaced that with a HOLO May DAC, which really IS that awesome after break-in time...
It just might not be your flavor. I have the same DAC and love it. I also have the Teddy Pardo power supply and in my system it was a substantial improvement, fuller sound, better and extended control on the bottom end and the top end definitely more polite.

I’m guessing with your JVC as a transport you are going coax out to the RME, but what is the cable? Are you also going coax out of your Node? If you’re using the stock power cord on the switch supply that came with the RME, your first step should be to get a better power cord as it helps. 

I agree it is a complex piece but manageable to learn, but that being said I run my with everything fix, the volume is fixed, no tone controls or EQ and I run mine on the sharp filter and find it not at all dry, fatiguing, or lifeless but has great PRAT. With the Teddy Pardo power supply, among cables on the RME that cost significantly more than the DAC, I run mine direct to my amp bypassing a really good, no, great tube preamp I also own. I also run balance out of the RME.

To recap, what’s digital cable are you using? The RME is very revealing so it might be tattling on your cable or source. What are you using for a power cord? If stock, spend $150 and get a better cord because it will improve things. You mentioned you find it complex; have you gone in the settings and messed with the tone controls or EQ and now have it all whacked out? If your not running it direct to your amp, then bypass and set everything to direct and run it only as a DAC. Lastly what filter are you using?
Good luck
I love my RME dac.... sorry you aren't getting good results.  Maybe you should do a hard reset.   Could be something simple....  
RME is pro audio gear. I use their UFX a/d d/a unit in my professional post production studio and have made music recordings using it as well.
There are companies who install a better power supply in it that supposedly makes it sound better.
While I’ve never used it in my listening room, I can’t imagine it sounds anywhere near what my Directstream DAC sounds like.
Agree, not user user friendly.
If there was an app or software that would allow for manipulation from afar it might improve the situation. Going through all of the button permutations at the stereo rack is not practical.

Also agree that it imparts no flavor to the chain and its AD implementation is likely minimalistic in effect.

I do like the dsp and balanced connections.