I’m in trouble

I just sold my classD power amp that produced 140 and 300 watts at 8 and 4 ohms, respectively.
I have speakers that are :
4 ohms producing 92dBSPL and 6 ohms producing 87dBSPLBat 2.83 v input!

I listen at low levels in a 12’x14’ cave to jazz and chamber music

No tube gear ; I live in So Florida!
integrated amp would be great!

Prime use- mask my tinnitus!

You did the right thing!
now, increase your smile with a nice class A/B amp!

tons of great stuff out there. Enjoy the search!
2nd Note;stick with a Class-A or Class A/B product.  Thank me later.
Happy Listening!
Thanks for all the advice !
im looking at a Rotel A 14 or A12,
Cyrus One, Cyrus One ,Ascam  SA 10 or 20 and Itoa SA3

Rotel is AB
SA 10 is AB
SA 20 is G
Iota SA3 is AB

Big menu and no HiFi shops to audition!
I got an SA10 via mail order and sent it back low tones were raspy and hi tones “vailed” not sure if it was a bad amp or just the way it works? I did like the amp physically very much!
also totally confused ad to the amount of wattage I need. Also having coax inputs is becoming a question as well since my Streamer and CD players has both analog and dig outputs and which DAC DO. I use the one in the streamer or CD PLAYER or ONE IN THE  amp?

Then to top it off the speakers have a wide range of acceptable wattage 20-120.
I am fully conversant on wattage and the 
dB scale and under stand logs! Understanding the math is of no help-

This is supposed to be fun?
I think this all has to do with no dealers available for sample listening! It’s a PIA to 
un box ,hook up , listen  , re box and send
then to just re order! 
never had this problem in the pastWhere do I start?


What part of South Florida. Southeast, Southwest?? Are you near Miami or Sarasota.