I’m in trouble

I just sold my classD power amp that produced 140 and 300 watts at 8 and 4 ohms, respectively.
I have speakers that are :
4 ohms producing 92dBSPL and 6 ohms producing 87dBSPLBat 2.83 v input!

I listen at low levels in a 12’x14’ cave to jazz and chamber music

No tube gear ; I live in So Florida!
integrated amp would be great!

Prime use- mask my tinnitus!

nuforces are quite good, as @tomic601 mentioned

i have also really liked this one - amazingly good sound for not much $, small form factor can be a big plus for some folks too i imagine... 

bought it on money back trial, liked it enough to keep it :)
I'll throw out my normal recommendation of a Musical Fidelity M5si.  I'd also be thinking of better loudspeaker, perhaps a nice tower. 
I hope you did not accept much cash for two malperforming pieces. I bought the SGCD for $1100 new and traded it in for <$800.
Never ANY problems, not even a reboot. 
Built my own trigger to the amp since the new pre doesn't have one - no off switchIf you liked the S300 ,just get a VTV amp.
He'll build whatever you want, 30 day trial.